Wow - Just Wow!
One of the most selfless women i have ever met on social media has just been given access to the Twitter Account of the NHS England. Yvonne Newbold who runs The SEND Parents Handbook along with Nikki Brandon and has a massive loyal and supportive social media following, has written her own books - which you can purchase here - She has won awards, was voted in the top 50 inspirational won am in healthcare in 2004 and is an ambassador for learning disabilities, autism and their families. Above all of that she is a mother and a wife and one of the most inspirational women that i have ever had the pleasure of knowing.
She will be taking over this massive social media platform for a week, sharing blogs and info from a range of topics including blogs from SEND Bloggers - Why we share what we share, to NHS related posts and showcasing our lives, issues, concerns hoping to change public perception and assumptions, particularly about learning disabilities and autism.
This Is Yvonne's Story. Thank you so much Yvonne for taking the time to write this for me when you have so much going on and are super busy!
Thank you so much for reading, Please show your support and join us in the next week, to share, comment, and retweet from @NHS We would all really appreciate it!
This Is Yvonne's Story. Thank you so much Yvonne for taking the time to write this for me when you have so much going on and are super busy!
My three children are now young adults, and between them they have around 25diagnosed conditions. Toby, my middle child, is the one who has the most tocope with in life. He has a condition so rare that he may be the only knownperson ever to have had it, and in his early life he was so poorly that hewasn't expected to survive. He and I together spend most of his first sixyears living in hospitals, and I lost count of the number of times we wereon the brink of losing him.
He's 22 now, and due to my own more recent terminal cancer diagnosis, he now
lives in a fabulous care home very close by, and he is doing remarkably well
and he is very happy. He is still a huge and integral part of our family andwe see him several times a week. He remains profoundly disabled but that hasvery little effect on his quality of life. He is one of the happiest peopleI know with a real skill at being able to milk the most fun out of everymoment.
He is non-verbal, and he has severe learning disabilities, his cognitive
skills are equivalent to a two year old child. He also has severe autism,
behaviour that can challenge, several physical impairments and some verycomplex medical issues too. However, to compensate, he has somehow acquiredsome superpowers, and one of them is that he has the ability to bring outthe best in nearly everyone he meets.
I've been writing almost since I was first shown how to hold a pencil, but
I've only been blogging and writing seriously for the past five years, when
I was first diagnosed with cancer. I started a blog, Coke Floats & Chemo,and initially I was careful to never write about my children at all. ThenToby became suddenly very poorly and he was back in hospital and yet again,we thought we might be losing him. I wrote about it in the blog, andhundreds of people all over the world wrote back and held him in theirhearts with love until he was better.
When I found out that the cancer treatment I'd had, had not been successful,
that the cancer had spread and that I probably had about two years left, I
immediately knew what I wanted to do instead of having a bucket list. Iwanted to do whatever I could to make the lives of the next generation ofspecial needs families significantly better, and to help the statutoryservices who support our families to understand better the sort of supportour families needed.
Firstly, I wrote a book "The Special Parent's Handbook", jam-packed with
everything I'd learnt along the way in terms of making life easier for
special needs families. I was thrilled when it became an Amazon Number OneBest Seller. Although it was written for parents, soon health careprofessionals and teachers were reading it too, and before long theinvitations to speak at conferences, seminars and training events startedrolling in.
I now run Workshops for parents and staff as well as writing and public
speaking, and I'm also now an Advisor to NHS England in Learning Disability
and Autism. Additionally, I'm the World Health Innovation Summit Ambassadorfor Learning Disabilities and Autism and their families. At the very time Ishould be winding down, putting my house in order, and dealing with aterminal cancer diagnosis, life has instead taken on a completely newdirection. Best of all, I'm having ongoing treatment to prolong my life thatseems to be working well, it's now nearly 4 years since I was told I hadabout 2 years left.
I was absolutely delighted when NHS England asked me to curate their own
Twitter Account @NHS . I am so looking forward to the week, it's very
exciting although it's also a huge responsibility and that's a bit daunting.I want to use the week to the best of my ability to champion the causes ofour community, and also to challenge people's perceptions of others who havean intellectual or neurological impairment.
If next week, because of something I've tweeted, somebody somewhere stops
and thinks in a more positive way about young people like Toby, I will have
done a good job. This is about our whole community, all our families and allour vulnerable family members. I so hope I don't let us down.
Thank you so much for reading, Please show your support and join us in the next week, to share, comment, and retweet from @NHS We would all really appreciate it!

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