"Kickstarter?" You say! What is that?
Well, let us tell you the basics. We set a target goal of how much money we would need to complete stage 2 of this initiative and if we DO NOT reach that set GOAL - nobody is CHARGED!
But this isn’t fundraising in the typical way that you see on-line when people ask for donations for nothing in return. We are not asking you for money in return for nothing. OH NO!
Every backer will receive a reward. Wether that is at the basic level and you donate £5 for a special mention and a pin badge of your choice, or you pledge £15 for a first edition signed copy of Book 2 - Lola’s Wobbly Lunch Time and some extra EARLY BIRD goodies should you pledge in the first 24 hours, the choice is yours.
There is a reward for EVERYONE! (A sneak peek of some special rewards below)
Its basically a fancy PRE-ORDER service which enables us to get more products out to you more quickly and of course releases the financial burden on the Autism with Love Publishing® founder Jodie Isitt so that she is able to continue writing and building this BRAND without financial restrictions
Of course its not all about you pledging money! NO! If you cannot contribute financially, sharing this project with others is one of the most important parts of awareness because the more people that see us, the more chance we have in succeeding. You might say that your generosity in sharing this project is the most valuable part.
You can do this by using the sign up form at the bottom of this page so that you’re the first to know when we go LIVE. Or you can follow us on Facebook for daily updates!
Sign up HERE for the latest news and to be the FIRST to get the EARLY BIRD discount!
And if those images weren't cute enough take a look at our video!