18 November 2016

Help Us To Change These Places

Have any of you heard about the changing places campaign?


I wouldn’t have thought you had either, because you see, this amazing group of SEND Bloggers that I am very proud to be a part of, are struggling to have their voices heard, Struggling to get their message out there, struggling to make anyone who have any influence on social media spread the word help people to understand and make changes that these disabled children and adults so desperately need. 

The Changing Places campaign has been started to try and persuade companies, and councils to provide fully accessible #changingplaces for Disabled children and adults.

Not for big toddlers, as some ignorant and disrespectful people have previously stated, based on one title of a very well written blog by Laura Rutherford.

Find more of Laura's Campaign here:

These changing places will allow caregivers to safely, and easily maneuver disabled people without putting their selves or the child or adult they care for in danger. It will enable the disabled person to be cared for properly in a dignified manner. This isn’t just what they deserve, or need, It is something that should be available to them without this unjustified fight. 

Currently there are only 898 of these changing places in the UK, and some areas do not even have one, leaving disabled families vulnerable or isolated. 

There are 11 million registered disabled people in Britain. 

These families, not only struggle with disability day in day out, but they are currently having to spend precious time, and energy to campaign for something that fully abled people have unlimited access to. Ask yourself, How is this even fair? 

Imagine for just one second, that you were living way back in the dark ages, when there weren’t any changing places or public toilets, there weren’t proper toilet facilities and running water, Instead you had to go outside the shopping mall, in broad daylight, squatting down in a communal area where there weren’t even holes. No toilet paper, no cubicles, people walking past you. The smell. The view. No where to wash your hands and no where to put your waste. Disgusting isn’t it?? Now bring your self back to the present. There much better. Times move on, things improve. Living, shopping and travelling conditions get better. FOR YOU If You’re NOT disabled. 

These parents, and carers are campaigning to bring the disabled changing facilities from the dark ages and into the future.

Where these actual human beings aren’t subjected to being changed and cleaned on public toilet floors or in the boot of their cars, Breaking their backs, because that small child who once fit on the changing table grew, and guess what, he is still disabled, still unable to bear weight, and still unable to use the toilet when they need to. It is not right, It Is inhumane and these people deserve better. They deserve to have “normal” experiences, and be able to have access to every single place that you and I have access to. AS STANDARD. Please help us, give them what they need.

Please Help us ...........

Help us to spread the word, share the #changingplaces blogs, far and wide for all to see. Help us get this message out there and make a difference to these peoples lives once and for all so that aren’t isolated, and they aren’t vulnerable. 

Help Us to Change these Places!

We don't want #PhantomLoos anymore we want #ChangingPlaces 
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